The Past: Lies, deceit and distraction. We all have been tricked and conditioned to spend
all our energy and precious resources on creating fancy strategies and
methodologies to outsmart the “Competition” , to “Win” business and to
“Convince” prospective clients that we are the best. Belief me, I have been there. In this fabricated landscape of “Sales” we
were conditioned to go into “Beggar and Struggle Consciousness”. And we didn’t even know we were doing it. The
moment you say and try to proof “Client, we are better than our competition.” you negate the value of whatever you have to
bring to the world. It doesn’t matter what sophisticated method you are using
to get that point across, whether you directly
or indirectly bring into play. you negate your value. It is the biggest oxymoron that you an ever
get entangled in. And some are masters at this game, whilst others are
extremely arrogant about it. Arrogance
is not confidence. There is a huge difference. Arrogance is “fear”, “lack” and
“I am not good enough” under cover.
I have Great News for you.
Wake up please…. There is no such thing as Competition. It is only a construct
of your mind. You have been tricked to belief that for eons. Why? To distract you from the real truth - so you
can divert your attention from the truth and that fact keeps you very busy. And the
result is that you scatter and misplace all your energy and resources on things
that do not truly exist. It is indeed a very clever tactic. Whoever decided to
misinform us like that was hugely successful. Just imagine how much money, time
and resources have been spent in the past on this traditional “Goose Chase”
called Sales and Marketing – a path strewn with resistance, ignorance and
zombies. And there is in essence nothing wrong with Sales and Marketing. It is
the energy that drives this car called Sales and Marketing, that have brought us
to this deceit and possible demise. It
is the biggest scam of modern day commerce and industry.
What could be possible if
you choose a road less travelled? What could be possible if you indeed take the
path of least resistance? BUT instead,
you are like a blindfolded horse that travels the same old road day in and day
out. And you never question anything
about this road. It is as if you are hypnotized and seduced by this lie. And unknowingly you are captured in the prison
and enchained to this thing called “Competition”.
The Present: The real truth…There is no one else on earth that can bring the
same as that which you have to bring. Whether you bring you, a service, a
product or a solution - absolutely no
one else can bring the same, absolutely no-one else! Only you can bring that energy, that value,
that permutation and that configuration to the world in the way you do. So how on
earth can there be competition for you?
And somewhere, someone needs, is ready for and is waiting
for you to show up to bring this specific permutation and
configuration to them. You don’t
have to convince them of anything. They need what you have to bring.
They are ready for it. You do not have to convince them that you are the best and that you are better
than the competition. You don’t
have to “win” the business or “close” the deal. The truth is: YOU DO NOT HAVE
COMPETITION. You negate your Authenticity when you go into this space of competition. You direct all the attention and energy away
from you to something externally that does not truly exist.
Just imagine what will be possible when you start to direct all the available resources and
energy towards what you bring?
And instead of becoming a magnet to those who needs what you
have, you spend all your time, energy and resources to convince people and organisations who are not necessarily ready for
it or who do not need what you bring in the way you are bringing it or who do not understand and cannot
see the value of what you bring or who are plain “zombies”. What a waste of precious resources? And only
because you have been deceived to think this is the way it should be.
The truth is that TRUE
Sales and Marketing is about Promoting the MAGNET
and the energy behind it. It is about becoming, embodying, employing and expressing the MAGNET and the energy behind it. Yes this
applies to you, all of those working with you and all of those
representing you. It also does not help you if you become a magnet and the
rest of your organisation is not becoming magnets. If they still play the game of competition, there is
no synergy and no coherence, so you
will struggle and waste precious energy unnecessarily.
don’t have to “sell’ or “market” anything. When you need to convince anyone of something, you negate its value. When you need to negotiate or justify fees or price, you negate the value you bring. It is because you are “selling” to the wrong people. It is because you don’t belief in your own MAGNET. Or you
don’t not belief in your own worth and
value. It is only in a competitive
environment that you have to negotiate price or justify value. You don’t have
to “trade” you value. You are “bringing” it. And for that you “receive” an equal exchange.
As a matter of fact, the
more you become this MAGNET,
(remember a magnet attracts things to it and it does not need to go and search
for things) the more those who need what you bring, will find you. And yes, you have to wake
up, dress up, show up and you have to tell the world about you and what you
have, about what you bring in the
way you bring it. And you have to exude and emit it wherever you go, in
whatever you say, in whatever you do.
You have to be congruent. Then
you are authentic. And people buy
into authentic people and energy.
They do not invest in scattered and misaligned energies and
messages. Your message to the world becomes scattered and misaligned when
you spend time and resources on justifying
anything. And that is what you do when you sell the traditional way, when you
endeavour to convince the market place and when you strive to win business. You
don’t have to win anything. You can only win something you don’t have. And you HAVE what you bring. You are ATTRACTING the business. There is NO COMPETITION - hence you don’t have
to win anything.
The other lie is about becoming a leader in your field. Do
yourself a favour. Go and look at the visions and missions of most organisations.
First it starts with the words: “TO BE”. Now, you already are. How can
you endeavour or strive TO BE? You can do this only when you belief you are not yet. And that is the catch. Again
competition based. Or it starts with “TO BECOME”. Again, you are not yet. So how must any
prospective client belief you? You are not it yet. No wonder you battle to
convince them. You see, whether they are aware of it consciously or not, you
negate that you are the best – the story you tell them. All because your vision
is encrypted into the organisation – TO BE or TO BECOME. The one negates the
other. SO you are not authentic when you
tell a client you are the best.
Besides, that is utter baloney, garbage, twaddle, hogwash and
bunkum. I hope you hear at least this.
BALONEY!!! And it is future based. What are you today? This is what you bring. Now!! Not something promised or desired in the
future. You are the leader now - The front runner bringing this energy, this
message, this permutation and this configuration to the world. It even
applies to a bottle of water or a can of deodorant. You are not a leader
because you are better than someone else, but because of what you bring.
Can you see the
difference? It is time to wakeup. You
have been dreamed for so long. Is it not time to become the dreamer? Is it
not time to embody the MAGNET? Is it
not time to get rid of all those approaches,
methodologies, slogans, visions, belief systems, conditioning, mannerisms,
behaviours, thoughts, feelings, actions, words, oxymorons, lies and habits that
negate the truth of this MAGNET?
You are here NOW. You bring something unique
to the world, whether you are an individual, an entrepreneur, an organisation,
a multinational, a global entity, etc. And someone
is waiting for it. All you need to do is to BE the MAGNET, to be AUTHENTIC, to SHOW UP and to TELL the world about
the MAGNET and the ENERGY behind it. And then you ZING. Yes, then you ZING. You allow yourself to ATTRACT those who are ready for it, who
needs what you HAVE, who understands the VALUE you bring and who will gladly give
you an EQUAL monetary exchange for it.
May I humour you a bit
more? Scary enough, if you go and look at the meaning of the words
“competition” and “compete” in our dictionaries, you will find the following
1. the act of competing; rivalry for supremacy, a
prize, etc.: competition between two teams.
2. a contest for some prize, honour,
or advantage: to enter a competition.
3. the rivalry offered by a
competitor: small businesses getting competition from the chain stores.
4. a competitor or competitors.
5. the struggle among organisms, both
of the same and of different species, for food, space, and other vital
BUT… The word derives from the
1595-1605 Late Latin competītiō=competī-,
variant s. of competere to meet, come together + -tiō -tion.
So it actually means to meet and to come
together. Not division like we have been taught.
And if we look at the verb, compete,
the dictionary says it means:
To strive against another or others
to attain a goal, such as an advantage or a victory.
And again if we look at the source,
Late Latin, competere, it means to
strive together, from Latin, to
coincide, be suitable : com-, com- + petere, to seek.. Not me against you,
but to strive together, to coincide.
However, we have been misled to
belief the versions in our dictionaries, which are quite the opposite of what
it truly means.
Just consider these few words please:
To meet
To come together
To strive together
To coincide
Be suitable
To seek
Now where do strive Against each other or contest comes into play? I only see come together, strive together, coincide,
suitable, meet and seek.
We have been deliberately misled so
we can divert our energy and resources. Just imagine what will be possible in
the world when people start to consciously direct their energy to their MAGNETs
and when they receive an equal exchange for it? This world will be such a wonderful
place to be in. People will truly enjoy what they do. And the P-word will not exist.
The Future: YOU are shaping it with your MAGNET. You don’t
have TO BE or TO BECOME. You already ARE. Imagine what could be POSSIBLE?
You are welcome to
continue and be the victim of “selling”
or “struggling” or “competition”. Or you can choose another possibility now.
You can choose to BE the MAGNET.
Magnetism is a CREATIVE FORCE. Just look in nature. Does the flower have
to do anything to attract the butterfly or the bee to come and snack on its
precious nectar? No, it just needs to be the flower. Bees fly from flower to flower collecting and pollinating as they go, not only
collecting what they need from the flower but also giving it the ability to
bear fruit and thus create more flowers. The Bee takes, but also gives
back and creates the abundant flow of
new life. So when you become the MAGNET
and ATTRACT your “BEES”, they dispense and
disperse your energy and message wherever they go. They become your “workers.” And that is a
wonderful art of giving back to you. You don’t even have to employ them to do
it. They tell others about the wonderful experiences they had with you. In the
old system, even if your client had a good experience with you, how easy is it
to obtain an authentic reference? It is not easy - only because you started off
in the negative. By the way, have you ever seen a bee compete for a flower?
Have you ever seen a bee “stinging” another bee because they want to snack on
the same flower? No, there are enough “flowers” for everyone, abundant,
overflowing and available. It is up to you whether you want to BE the MAGNET,
Do you have any idea what
power lies behind a magnet? And it is
all available to you NOW. The choice is
yours - whether you want to employ this power or whether you want to continue
in “beggar and struggle consciousness” and play within the illusion of
If you are not sure WHAT
your MAGNET is, or how to BE your MAGNET or how to EMBODY, EMPLOY or EXPRESS
your MAGNET or how to ATTTRACT your BEES or how to get rid of those LIMITING
BELIEFS and LIES, we are here to guide you along the way. Book your Introductory MAGNET Session now on
And it does not need to be an exhaustive, long process to BE the MAGNET. Our Inspiration Salons are just what you need to kick start this process and to have immediate shifts. Very quickly you get everyone in your organisation on board. Regardless of your location, book your Inspiration Salon now on
Choose the path of least resistance. You have a CHOICE. It is never too late.