Thursday, 22 August 2013

Disconnect - An Inside Story waiting to be unwrapped

Inside all of us, within each experience and within each situation, an 'Inside Story' is waiting to be  connected, revealed, experienced and expressed. Some delicious, delectable 'truffle" is waiting for us to be devoured.

Disconnection is keeping us from experience this truffle in our relationships with ourselves and with one another - whether in our personal experiences with ourselves and life, or in the work and market place or in family relations and experiences or in romantic relationships or in friendships or with culture, generations and gender or with society at large.    The connection lies within. The connection lies within the value. The inside story is waiting to be revealed. It just needs to be unwrapped. 
Recently I have overheard a conversation between friends in a restaurant. The young man, in his mid thirties, was sharing his work experience. His story goes something like this: “ I have a ‘nice job’. I work from 9-6 and take an hour lunch every day. I do not work at night or over weekends. BUT….I am dying. The company I work for only allows us to be ‘functional’. The CEO is a control freak and do not allow any of the staff to express or employ their value. All important aspects of the business, like strategy, etc., get outsourced to very expensive external consultants. They don’t even really know what the business is about, but they decide how and what we should do. And it never works, as we all resist it because we are not “seen” and “heard”. For me it is feeling as if we move one step ahead and then backwards 5 steps. It is very frustrating and limiting to work for an organisation like that. Our value is being suppressed and not recognised at all. I can promise you that we can do a better job than those fancy consultants, given the opportunity. When we complain or attempt to initiate something new, we get blasted or ignored. I am not sure how much longer I can stay in this environment. The ‘nice’ is not good enough for me any longer. I need to break out of it.”
Consideration 1: There is so much disconnect in the work and market place. People’s value is not recognised and/or is being ignored and/or not considered to be applied/assimilated. We hire functional skills and resumes. We do not attract and invite value.
I recently watched the movie “Disconnect”.  Huge and wonderful technological, digital advances, which opened up the world and the way we connect to others - regardless of location; have brought much expansion, growth, gifts and knowledge. In this movie, it is the effects of digital communication, on  the side the ability to freely, digitally communicate and on the other side the huge disconnect between people living in the same house, abuse of digital facilities, misunderstandings, etc. that created unnecessary pain, sorrow and death.  In the movie a very busy lawyer dad looses touch with his teenage, a talented musician, (not acceptable to the dad), loner son, and who had no friends. The boy fell target of a malicious scam by two other boys. These other two boys had no idea what their mischievous behaviour started, which incidentally led to the death of the loner boy.  The huge disconnect between one of these boys and his single dad, who completely has no understanding of his own son’s pain, value or desires, and who don’t trust him at all, caused the boy to act out to get true attention and unconditional love.  In another story in the movie, a couple struggle to deal with the death of their young child. They become victims of a ruthless hacker, when the wife started to chat in a “grieving chat room” with an older gentleman whose wife died.  The husband, an ex marine, had his own way in dealing with his grief. He could not talk to his wife about it. Through this whole episode, the hacker hacked into their bank account and they lost almost everything.    Everyone struggling with their own pain; completely misunderstood and disconnected from each other - with the result of tragic incidents which change everyone’s lives… Neither of the young boys’ value is recognised or understood by the parents.
Consideration 2:   We live with people, we work with people and we digitally ‘meet, connect, engage and communicate with people.  And yet, there is a huge disconnect.  The way we experience life, relate and communicate has completely changed. People need that deep understanding, appreciation and acceptance of self and value.
Many are completely disconnected from their true, authentic, best self.  Since birth we are conditioned by would not’s, should not’s, don’ts. We are asked to conform and to be a certain way.  We are not hearing how great we are. We are not guided to our potential. Our unique value does not get revealed or recognised.  Instead there are expectations, rules and conditions. If you do this, I will love you. If you behave in this way, it is acceptable.  Then we start to become defensive, we suppress our own feelings and thoughts, we start to act out, we learn to project, we learn to control, judge, blame, withdraw, etc.  Wounded, half adults are created.   It is difficult to recognise, appreciate, nurture and allow value in someone or something else, if we are disconnected from our own, true, authentic self and if we do not understand our own value. It is difficult to allow others to fully express and experience all of themselves, if we don’t know how to express and experience all of who we are. When we try to control or judge other’s experience or expressions of themselves, it is possibly because we are feeling entrapped ourselves; mostly by self imposed restrictions and limitations, conditioning or false belief systems.

Consideration 3: Is it not time to liberate yourself and those around you by connecting with your true, authentic, best self? You will not necessarily find this connection through books; external knowledge; mimicking others and their experiences; following other’s paths, methods, ways of being and doing; (these all have the potential to guide and assist you along your journey, however, it is not necessarily your path); or through being stuck in conditioning about ‘this is the way it should be’.    It all lies waiting within you to be revealed. 
 If you are in a position of leadership, is it not time to allow yourself and your sphere of influence the opportunity to experience, reveal, express and employ  greatness and value?

Time for unwrapping delectable 'truffles' in your life?

Unwrap me please....



What is it you need to unwrap your inside story? What is it you need to reconnect to and experience all of who you are? What is it you need to navigate and explore   all those wonderous parts of you? What is it you need to embody, assimilate and express all that you are? Do you need a safe, non-intrusive, limitless, non-judgemental and nurturing space? By the way, there is nothing wrong with you. All you need to do is to reveal and embrace the wonder who you are.

If you would like to unwrap your inside story, connect to, experience and express more of your authentic self and you wish would like to do this in a gentle, nurturing, catalysing, creative, free and allowing space; we invite you to join our 3 Day I am an Expressionist Experience.   You can register via the link One of our representatives will liaise with you to ensure your successful participation when you are ready.
This Experience is also available to organisations and groups. To register groups or organisations, follow this link: One of our representatives will liaise with you to ensure your organisation or group's successful co- ordination.


Wednesday, 21 August 2013

How are you treating life?

Some gold shared today from my wise, old friend Tim Mushibwe from Zambia: “How is life treating you, or dare I say how are you treating life?”

We so often talk about how life is treating us, so as if we are victims and slaves to some sinister plan; as if we have no choices in life. When we turn it around, it brings so much richness and awareness into our experience of life.

“How are you treating life?”  and "Do you see yourself as separate from life?"

Our experience of life changes drastically when we become conscious of the impact we have on everyone and everything around us. 

When we realize we can make constructive, conscious, aware choices; when we commit to our experiences and life; when we learn to trust our choices, self worth and value; when we explore how to abundantly experience and express our authentic, true, best self; when we open ourselves to new perspectives; when we choose love over fear; and when we become self sufficient and self contained, miracles happen. Everything we wish for come to us with ease, joy and grace.

How would you like to treat life? What did you come to experience? Joy, abundance, peace, harmony, unconditional love, expansion, freedom, bliss, wonder, inspiration, adventure, glory, understanding, wisdom, empowerment, creative expression, glory, acceptance and appreciation? Or did you come to experience struggle, lack, scarcity, victimhood, limitation, restrictions, judgment, projections, conditioning, chaos, conflict, blame and being misunderstood? Would you like to attract or repel others?

You are a magnificent being. All your treasures are inside you. Your life has impact.

Join our “I AM an Expressionist!” Experience, should you wish to impact and treat yourself and life with meaning, wonder, inspiration and splendour. You can register on the link One of our representatives will liaise with you to ensure your successful participation when you are ready.

Monday, 19 August 2013

Your life has impact.Harvest the fruits of experiencing and expressing your authentic, best Self.

2023 Million years ago a meteor hit Mother Earth and created the biggest meteorite impact that geologists have yet found on Earth.  

The impact was nearly twice as big as the impact that killed the dinosaurs 65 million years ago.

This impact irrevocably changed the landscape with its intensity, speed and size. 

Your life has  meaning and tremendous impact... What does your impact look like?

Similarly to this meteor we daily impact everyone on our paths and in our sphere of influence. Many of us are unaware how our state of being, presence, experience, words, actions, intentions, thoughts, feelings, attitudes, habits, behaviours, self expression and energy (self awareness) irrevocably impact everyone and everything around us.  Everything is connected. We are not living on an island without any other inhabitants.  Our experience is just as powerful as that of the meteor who hit the earth millions of years ago.    

A lack of self awareness and authentic self expression can lead to misunderstandings, projections, incorrect assumptions, blame, reactive and suppressed behaviour, victimhood,  lack, perceived limitations, self imposed restrictions and resistance.

We are liberated and blossom when we increase our level of awareness and when we allow ourselves to authentically embody, express and employ our Best, True Self.  

“I am an Expressionist” is a 3 day Explorative, Creative and Integrative Experience for those who are ready to experience the abundant fruits of discovering, experiencing, embodying, expressing and employing their Best, True Self, which lead to a magnificent path of open, receptive, joyful, meaningful, harmonious and abundant relationships; invigorating collaboration; vibrant cohesion; innovative co-creation, prosperous opportunities, engaged interaction and focussed right action.   All these are vital ingredients to fulfilment, success and prosperity.  And it all starts with an appreciative, stimulating, expressive and inspiring sense of self.

Our experience of life drastically changes and the impact we make is constructive, empowering, responsible, nurturing and meaningful. Our contribution to life becomes invaluable.  

Are you ready to be enchanted by the effects of audacious authenticity, profuse self expression,   right action and conscious interaction?

Are you ready to harvest the fruits of experiencing and expressing your authentic, best Self?

Are you ready to give yourself the greatest gift possible by liberating yourself and all those around you, through your authentic state of being, presence and expression?

If you are, you can now ensure your participation or that of your organisation or group by following the link:

Image Credits to


No more waiting...Be a lighthouse

Leadership and the Lighthouse.

The lighthouse does not run after the boats to ensure they don’t crash on the rocks. It shows the way.  Are you ready to be a lighthouse?

The word “lead” comes from the Anglo Saxon 'laed', which means to set out on a quest, to navigate into the distant horizon. So leadership extends far beyond position and power.

As a leader, you are in such a remarkable position. Will you allow yourself to consider a whole new perspective on leadership?  

ARE YOU READY to lead your sphere of influence on a quest where they will explore, experience, embody, express, employ and exude more of their Best Selves, in as many ways possible, whilst co-creating a master piece with you?
Imagine what could be possible when you lead those on your sphere of influence on a quest where they can discover, experience, cultivate and employ the following:

¥              Authenticity (Find, embrace, step into, embody, express and employ the true, best Self).

¥              Autonomy and a sense of healthy self sufficiency where we understand our own value, feel capable of fulfilling our own needs and enthusiastically contribute to the whole.

¥              Self Love (How we take care of ourselves, how we show up in life and how we value ourselves.)     

¥              Commit to their life, their experiences and physical existence. (Commit to fully experience, engage in and contribute to every situation we find ourselves in.)

¥              Self Trust (Our own ability to feel comfortable in our own skin, our ability to trust ourselves and our capabilities, and our ability to "discern" what is good for us and what is not.)

Are you ready to be a lighthouse? Are you ready to lead a quest into the distant horizon? Are you really ready to allow your sphere of influence to shine? 

If you sincerely are, you do not have to re-invent the wheel. “I am an Expressionist” is a 3 day Explorative, Creative and Integrative Experience, where participants discover how to bring more of them (Their Best, True Self) into their environment. Through uncovering, experiencing,   cultivating, expressing and employing Authenticity, Autonomy, Self Love, Commitment and Self Trust, participants have the opportunity to have a more meaningful and deeper experience of life.   Their new awareness of self, other, relations, possibilities, interactions and right action, results in them consciously, audaciously and enthusiastically participating in co-creating master pieces with others.  
You can now ensure your organisation or group’s experience by following the link: